
Dynamics 365 portals support a variety of authentication schemes and are configured by default with a custom (forms-based) and Azure AD integrated login schemes. However, the Azure AD login scheme works only with the customer’s own Azure AD.

This article shows how to configure your Dynamics 365 portal to work with your customer’s or partner’s Azure AD without having to add them as guest users in your own Azure AD.


Performing this task will require the following:

  • Portal Owner privileges
  • Global Admin privileges on the tenant

Time required

The steps outlined in this task will take approximately 15 minutes.

Additional Notes

If you configure a custom domain and/or change your portal Base URL, these steps will need to be re-run, specifically step #3


1) Login to ‘Azure Portal’ using the Global administrator account and click on the ‘Azure Active Directory’ icon within the ‘Azure Services’ section. In case you don’t find the ‘Azure Active Directory’ icon click on ‘More Services’ to the right to view the same.

2) Click on ‘App Registrations’ on the left-hand navigation menu and then click the ‘+ New Registration’ button on the right-side pane

3) Fill in the App Registration form with the details outlined below:
Name: Dynamics 365 Portals Customer Login
Supported Account Types:  Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)

Redirect URI:
Select ‘Web’ in the dropdown and enter your Portal base URL appended with ‘/signin-oidc’ in the text box.

E.g.: If your portal URL is ‘’ then the URL to be entered would be ‘’
Click on the ‘Register’ button.

4) Within the newly created App click on ‘Authentication’ menu on the left-hand side navigation. On the right-hand pane tick the below checkboxes and hit ‘Save’.
    a. Access Tokens
    b. ID Tokens


5) Click on ‘Overview’ on the left-hand side navigation and copy the ‘Application (Client ID)’. This will be required later.

6) Open Dynamics 365 and navigate to Portals > Site Settings.

Create the following entries for this entity.
Name Value
Authentication/OpenIdConnect/CustomerAzureAD/Caption Customer Login
Authentication/OpenIdConnect/CustomerAzureAD/ClientId [Use Application ID noted in step 3]
Authentication/OpenIdConnect/CustomerAzureAD/ExternalLogoutEnabled True
Authentication/OpenIdConnect/CustomerAzureAD/RedirectUri [See Notes below]
Authentication/OpenIdConnect/CustomerAzureAD/ValidateIssuer False


The RedirectURI is the URL ending with /signin-oidc that was configured in step #3.
If you configured multiple URLs, then choose the one that you wish the user to be redirected to when they logout of the portal.
E.g.: specifying will redirect the user to upon logout, whereas specifying will redirect them to
7) Navigate to the Sign In page of your portal. You should see a button called “Customer Login”.

8) Click on the “Customer Login” button and specify an Azure AD login (Work or School account) that is not part of your own Azure AD
A consent form is presented the first time whenever any customer logs in. Click on the ‘Accept’ to get into the Portal.

If the user has administrative privileges, they can choose to “Consent on behalf of the organization”, which suppresses the consent for other users from that organization.

Congratulations! Your Dynamics 365 Portal is now configured to work with your customers’ Azure AD.

Additional Configuration Parameters

Some additional but relevant options to consider under Portal Site Settings.

Name Recommended Value Description
Authentication/Registration/AzureADLoginEnabled False Changing this value will affect the visibility of the “AzureAD” button on the sign-in page. Users from your own Azure AD can use the ‘Customer Login’ we created above to login to the Portal
Authentication/Registration/LocalLoginEnabled False

Enables or disables custom forms based logins.



If False, portal only allows logins via Invitations. If True, anyone can sign up for the portal.

Authentication/Registration/LoginButtonAuthenticationType If this is set, the Sign In button on the Portal will directly take the user to the Office 365 login page.