
Step 1: Verify that the email has been created by report scheduler

Kindly browse to Settings > RS Scheduled records and open the scheduled record. Now browse to “Closed Activities” (In 2013 this would be “Activities”). This will display the email activity created by the report scheduler. Open this email activity and check the status – whether it’s Sent, Not Sent or any error message is being displayed.

Kindly note that Report Scheduler only creates the email activity… the sending of email is taken care by CRM (and based on your CRM settings)


Email activity not displayed:

If the email activity is not displayed then kindly check the “RS Event Log” to see if it displays any error message.

If no error message is displayed then check the values for “Last run at” and “Next run at” (in Schedule section of the form). This shows that when the report scheduler workflow ran and when it will run next.

If “Last run at” displays the current time and still no email activity is being displayed then check if “Do not send the email if record count is 0” is ticked.

Step 2: Verify that settings mentioned in 2.21 Appendix – V: CRM Settings to ensure that email can be sent to un-resolved email addresses have been set correctly.

Step 3: Verify the user setting for “Outgoing Email Owner”

“Outgoing Email Owner” is set in report scheduler configuration settings. Emails created by report scheduler have “From recipient” set as this user.

Open the personal options form for the outgoing user. Browse to email tab and verify that “Allow other Microsoft Dynamics CRM users to send email on your behalf” is ticked.


Step 4: Verify the mailbox settings of the “Outgoing Email Owner”

Browse to Settings > Administration > Users and open the user record for “Outgoing Email Owner”. Now from the form ribbon click the “Open Mailbox” button. Verify the Outgoing Email settings and the Test Results section. Does the “Outgoing email status” shows as Success? Are you able to send a test email from CRM having “from recipient” as the user set in “Outgoing Email Owner”?

The preferred option for email delivery is Email Router. This is because we have experienced inconsistencies in email delivery when we used the “server-side synchronization” option. When using email router option kindly verify that you are able to successfully test the connection from email router software.