- Go to Exchange Admin Center > Protection > Connection Filter > Connection Filtering
- IP Block list > Click on ‘+’ sign > Enter the IP addresses ( and > click on OK > Click on Save
- Go to Spam Filter > Block list > click on domain block list > Click on ‘+’ > enter domain name (sultan-spammer.biz and valentabpo.com) > click on OK.
- Go to advanced option > select option test for “URL redirect to other port
- Select option ON for “SPF record: hard Fail”
- Select option ON for NDR backscatter > click on save
- Go to mail flow > rules > click on ‘+’ > Create a new rule
- Enter name > click on More options > apply this rule if > select “if the sender is external/internal” > outside the organization > click OK
- Click on Add condition > click on “the subject or body includes any of these words” > ” Your Office Email Has Been Closed” > click on ‘+’ > ”Unusual Sign-In Activity” > click on ‘+’ > ” email is inactive and might be deactivated” > click on ‘+’ > click on save
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/exchange/2014/07/25/spam-email-and-office-365-environment-overview/
- https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj200684(v=exchg.150).aspx
- Create a new, blank email.
- Address the email to the Microsoft team that reviews messages as follows:
- For junk messages, address your email to junk@office365.microsoft.com.
- Copy and paste the junk or phishing scam message into that email (as an attachment).
- Dealing with Spam email – Client Side
- The Microsoft Junk E-mail Reporting Add-in, is a very useful Outlook add-in that enables each of the users to report the offending message to Microsoft.
- By selecting the mail item and then choosing the option of “Report Junk," the mail item will automatically be sent to the Microsoft mail security team for further analysis and investigation to help to improve the effectiveness of our junk e-mail filtering technologies.
- Below is the link to download Junk E-Mail reporting Add-in for Microsoft outlook:
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=18275
- Below is the link to help reduce spam:
- https://support.office.com/en-us/article/10-tips-on-how-to-help-reduce-spam-55f756e8-688b-41c3-a086-8f68ccc592f6?ocmsassetID=HA001230026&CorrelationId=795075be-06eb-4526-a3c9-6779a9d7c0b7&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US