
Where you can store documents in Office 365

  • OneDrive is designed for individual use, with the occasional sharing of files.
  • A SharePoint team site is designed for sharing and collaborating on files regularly. A team site is ideal for storing files that have shared ownership where several people own the files and might collaborate on them.
  • Both OneDrive and team sites provide anywhere access for you and your employees.
  • Only you can access files or folders stored in your OneDrive for Business until you share them with any user. You can share a file or folder that automatically send the link via email to access shared files & folders.

  1. Open in your favorite web browser.
  2. Log in with your Office 365 work or school account.
  3. Click on App Launcher which is placed on most left upper corner

  1. Select the file or folder you would like to share
  2. Click the Share button

  1. Click on the drop down and choose anyone, people in your organization or specific people whom you would like to share the document or folder.
  2. If you don’t want them to edit, then uncheck Allow editing under Other settings

  1. Enter the name or email address of the person you would like to share the document or folder.
  2. Enter the message (which is optional).
  3. Uncheck ‘Allow editing’ box if you would like users so that they can just view the document. Otherwise, leave it checked.
  4. Click Send.

12. Later you receive a confirmation message like following screenshot.

13. Here's what the email looks like post sharing.