Once the amount to be credited back is confirmed, we can proceed with an NRI as a one-time credit and this will be applied automatically. Please follow these steps to create the non-recurring item:
- Go to the billing contract of the customer that needs the refund and select the Non-Recurring Items tab. Then, on the right side, click on the option to create a New NRI
- To fill the appropriate fields, please guide with the following notes:
- Product field can remain empty since this will be a one-time credit.
- Name and Friendly name should be the same. Ideally, make reference to the reason for the credit and specify dates if needed since this will be listed on the invoice.
- Customer, Billing Contract and Currency should be populated automatically. if not, please add accordingly.
- Unit must be Primary Unit NRI
- This NRI should be taxable and billable.
- Quantity can be 1 if you will credit back all together. We recommend creating separated NRIs if it's needed to refund different subscriptions/products.
- For the Selling price, it's really important to add a negative amount, otherwise, the customer will be charged for this NRI instead of receiving a credit. Please add the amount inside parenthesis or write a negative amount (this should automatically change to a parenthesis).
- Effective date should be prior to the date when the upcoming invoice will be generated or it won't be included in the next invoice.
- Provider should be a Null Provider (Do Nothing Provider)
- Purchase can be marked as Generic
Once all the necessary fields are completed, please save the changes made. The Revenue field should be populated automatically after this, showing a negative amount (number inside the parenthesis).
If needed, update the status reason to Provisioned.
Once the NRI has been billed, an additional column will be there with the invoice number listed.