Work 365 has additional controls placed on whether license reductions are supported. The fields Quantity Reduction Behavior, and Quantity Reduction Window apply restrictions on the reductions of licenses. These fields are available on the:
- Work 365 Product Form - Work 365 tab
- Work 365 subscription form (for license, service, and tiered subscriptions only)- Advanced Tab
*Note: There are messages which can be manually set up related to the subscription management pages. See Setting up Messages for the Self Service Portal.
Quantity Reduction Behavior (QRB):
- This field will only be automatically updated for those leveraging the Work 365 Product Service. Otherwise, those leveraging manual or do nothing providers in Work 365 who wish to also have these fields set automatically on the subscription be sure to manually update the fields for Quantity Reduction Behavior and Quantity Reduction Window on the product records in Dynamics.
- Depending on what is selected license reductions are:
- Allowed: license reductions are allowed
- Disallowed: license reductions are not allowed
- Allowed within window: license reductions are allowed within the specified window defined in the QRW field
- If this is selected then the Quantity Reduction Window (QRW) controls how long license reductions are supported. The system tracks this window against the Actual Provisioned on date on the "Create" license change log record in Work 365.
- License reductions will also be allowed on the subscription renewal date, and during the subscription renewal period (which is also based on the Quantity Reduction Window value set)
Quantity Reduction Window (QRW)
- This field determines the time frame after a subscription is created where license reductions are Allowed within Window on the QRB.
- This also applies to subscription renewals.
- This also applies to subscription renewals.
- This field is automatically populated via the product service when the product is created via the product service.
- Note the default value for this window in the product service is 7 Days (which used to be 3 days based on Microsoft's requirements). Regardless of the default value, the system will support any x number of days that is preferred. For example 2 days or 5 days for NCE skus, or 30 days for non-Microsoft NCE skus.
- If the preferred number value is not available in the drop down, manually type the number. Example: 5 days
Fields applicable only to the self service portal (located on the Portal tab of a subscription)
- Allow End User Modification:
- Yes: License changes are allowed on the subscription thus the QRB and QRW rules will also apply from the subscription.
- No: No license changes are allowed on the subscription thus ignoring the QRB and QRW rules on the subscription as they are not applicable
- Modification Behavior:
- Only allow Increase: only license increases will be supported on the portal thus ignoring the QRB and QRW rules on the subscription as they are not applicable.
- Allow Increase and Decrease: license increases and decreases are allowed on the portal. For license decreases, the same QRB and QRW rules on the subscription (as specified above) will also apply.
To schedule a license reduction on the self service portal:
- Expand the billing contract with their licenses
- Click into the subscription record which they want to update
- Update the subscription quantity to the desired total quantity.
- In the change effective field:
- Select either
- Immediately: This will be supported only so long as the effective date falls within the supported QRB and QRW values set on the subscription record in Work 365. If the date falls outside of the supported QRB and QRW settings, and it is not the subscription renewal date, then trying to save this license reduction will display an error on the self service portal
- On Renewal: This will automatically create a scheduled quantity change based on the renewal date of the subscription.
- This is recommended when the QRB on the subscription is set to Allow within Window, and the subscription is past the allowed window set by the QRW which is tracked against the "Create" license change log Actual Provisioned On
- Custom: This enables a user to select any date in the future for the scheduled quantity change. If selected, the end user would apply the date for which the quantity update will be scheduled.
- Note: Depending on the subscription QRB and QRW this action may not be supported. If the Quantity Reduction behavior on the subscription is:
Allowed: then any custom date selected for the license reduction will be fine.
Disallowed: then the system will prevent the subscription update from saving
Allowed within Window: depending on the custom date selected the system will or will not save the scheduled change.
If the custom date selected is within the Quantity Reduction Window (QRW) of the "Create" lcl record, or if the custom date falls on the subscription renewal date or within the QRW of the renewal period on the subscription, then the system will create a scheduled license change log for the license reduction.
If the custom date selected is not within the Quantity Reduction Window (QRW) of the "Create" lcl record, or if the date does not fall on the subscription renewal date or within the QRW of the renewal period on the subscription, then the system will not create a scheduled license change log for the license reduction.
- Note: Depending on the subscription QRB and QRW this action may not be supported. If the Quantity Reduction behavior on the subscription is:
- Select either
Click save on the subscription.
The system will automatically create a scheduled license change log based on the effective date, and quantity change applied on the subscription (dependent of course on the QRB and QRW of the subscription, and the date selected for the scheduled license change log as detailed previously).
When the effective date of the scheduled license change log arrives, it will update the subscription record with the change. Then a resulting license change log will be created to reflect the change.
Scheduling quantity increases on a subscription
Ensure that the "Allow End User Modification" field on the subscription form is set to "Yes". This field is available under the Portal tab of the Subscription
- Expand the billing contract with their licenses
- Click into the subscription record which they want to update
- Update the subscription quantity to the desired total quantity.
- In the change effective field:
- Select either
- Immediately: This will apply the license increase once the page is saved
- On Renewal: This will automatically create a scheduled quantity change based on the renewal date of the subscription for the license increase
- Custom: This enables a user to select any date in the future for the scheduled quantity change. If selected, the end user would apply the date for which the quantity update will be scheduled.
- Select either
Click save on the subscription.
The system will automatically create a scheduled license change log based on the effective date, and quantity change applied on the subscription.
When the effective date of the scheduled license change log arrives, it will update the subscription record with the change. Then a resulting license change log will be created to reflect the change.