
A failed provisioning status will provide guidance on how to fix the problem or what went wrong. When you see a LCL with this status, open the record and review the System Message. Under general tab you should see a box named System Message


Subscriptions may fail to provision with automatic providers. When this occurs, it’s important to take some initial steps depending on the Provisioning Message detailed on the license change log, and the Work 365 job(s) which were created.


The following are common Provisioning Messages that will result in an error. Please follow the resolution steps. If following these steps does not resolve the Provisioning Message, and the subscription does not provision please reach out to Below are common errors and reasons for Provisioning Failures

  1. There are one or more prior License Change Logs for this Subscription that are either Awaiting Provisioning or have Failed Provisioning.
    1. Any prior license change logs that have failed provisioning will automatically prevent new license changes from provisioning. 
    2. Determine why the original license change log failed. Address the issue first. The update the provisioning status of this change log back to awaiting provisioning. 
    3. Change the provisioning status of the change logs which subsequently failed after the first change log back to 'Awaiting Provisioning'. 
  2. Account does not exist for Subscription. Specify the Account and change the state to ‘Awaiting Provisioning’ to retry the sync.
    1.  After version 4.0, Work 365 should automatically update the account on the LCLs once the subscription is assigned to a billing contract. If not, please check the steps below:
    2. The subscription is not tied to a customer account in Dynamics 365. Open the Subscription, add an account in the customer field. If an account for the customer does not exist create one.
    3. If the field is locked, please use Dynamics Level Up Extension on God Mode to unlock the customer field and add the correct value. 
    4. Go back to the license change log for the subscription and change the provisioning status back to ‘Awaiting Provisioning’ to retrigger the sync with Partner Center.
  3. Provider Account does not exist for subscription. Create the provider account entry for Work365.Providers.MicrosoftCspProvider and change the state to 'Awaiting Provisioning' to retry the sync.
    1. Go to Work 365 > Provider Accounts. Is the customer’s Provider Account mapped to a CRM Account? Add the account if it exists. If not, create a CRM Account, and then map the Account on the Provider Accounts page (fill in the account field with the account).
  4. Error Connecting to Partner Center: Timeout. Please try the operation again.
    1. This error can populated when Partner Center stops working, and thus Work 365 cannot connect to Partner Center.
    2. Retrigger the sync with Partner Center for the subscription: on the license change log change the subscription back to ‘Awaiting Provisioning’ status. It may take a few trys for it to work. If that fails,
    3. Verify connectivity with Partner Center: Work 365 > Providers > Microsoft PartnerCenter > Verify Connectivity button. If that fails,
    4. The consent tokan for the Work 365 integration account expired may have expired. Complete the Partner Center consent framework, and verify connectivity once more. Then complete step 1 once more. 
  5. Error in response from Partner Center. WebException Status : ProtocolError. HttpStatusCode : Forbidden. Error Code: 800066. Error Description : The desired number of subscriptions 6 exceeded the maximum number of subscriptions allowed per customer 5. Error Message : .
    1. This error will only appear in sandbox environments where CRM is connected to a sandbox Partner Center. In sandbox Partner Centers, only 5 subscriptions per customer are allowed. 
    2. Deactivate the additional subscriptions in Work 365. For testing or training purposes, create a new custoner, a new Billing Contract, and new subscriptions. 
  6. Operation not allowed for customer specified due to missing Partner Confirmation
    1. Ensure that the cloud and/or customer agreement for the customer is in place, if not go to Work 365 Agreements, create a new agreement and save. Then go back to the license change log that failed and change it back to ‘Awaiting Provisioning’ to retrigger the sync with Partner Center.
  7. Purchase Prerequisite: MicrosoftCloudAgreement was not recognized.
    1. Ensure that the cloud and/or customer agreement for the customer is in place, if not go to Work 365 Agreements, create a new agreement and save. Then go back to the license change log that failed and change it back to ‘Awaiting Provisioning’ to retrigger the sync with Partner Center.
  8. Provider Part Number is mandatory on the Subscription while creating it.
    1. Any subscription with an automatic provider requires the provider part number of the product in order to provision in the provider portal. 
    2. Go to Work 365 > Products and confirm that the part number is in the Provider Part Number field of the product. Copy this ID and paste on the Provider Part Number field of the subscription. 
    3. Go to the subscription License Change Log that failed, change the status back to ‘Awaiting Provisioning’ to retrigger the sync with the Provider.
  9. Input string was not in the correct format
    1. Note: this error is typically because Partner Center was not available at the time of the provisioning. This is natural as sometimes Partner Center stops working. To fix:
      1. Go to the License Change Log record(s) on the subscription. Open the first change log which failed to provision. Change the provisioning status back to Awaiting Provisioning to retrigger the sync with the provider portal.
      2. Once provisioned follow the same steps of the other license change logs on the subscription which failed to provision. 
  10. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    1. This error message typically means CRM has not identified the issue. Reach out to for further investigation. To aid the investigation please provide screenshots and details in how the error was created. 
  11. Error in Synnex Provider: Status Code BadRequest Description {"status":"error","error_code":"InvalidValueError","message":"Invoke Facing API Failed. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable"}
    1. This error is specific to license change logs which have a Synnex automatic provider selected on the subscription. 
    2. Ensure the Synnex Provider set up is correct. See Setting up the Synnex Provider.
    3. Verify connectivity with the automatic Synnex provider: Work 365 > Providers > Synnex > Verify Connectivity button.
  12. Account is on Credit Hold. Release Credit Hold to retry the sync. 
    1. If the credit hold is still enabled on the account, this credit hold will need to be lifted in order for the provisioning to take place. 
  13. Error in response from Partner Center. WebException Status : ProtocolError. HttpStatusCode : BadRequest. Error Code: 400042. Error Description : The offer a43fadf6-c52c-469f-899b-4e7fb0f597d9 is not purchasable - Item A43FADF6-C52C-469F-899B-4E7FB0F597D9 referenced by line item 0 supports quantity range from 20 to 10000000... Error Message : .
    1. In the case of Dynamics 365 for Finance, and many other subscriptions (such as trial subscriptions), when they are created Partner Center requires a minimum provisioning license quantity. Thus, such subscriptions must have the correct quantity entered, as required by Partner Center for these subscriptions, in order for the provisioning to be successful. Resolve this issue:
      1. Deactivate the subscription which failed. 
        1. On this inactive subscription, open the license change log history, select all records and hit edit. Update the "Status Reason" of the LCL record to archived so this record will not be invoiced. 
      2.  Create a new subscription for the same product on the billing contract. Add the appropriate quantity as required by Partner Center. If the subscription is a trial, select yes on the Is Trial field. Save the record; confirm the LCL record is provisioned.
  14. Error creating subscription.: 4011-Line1 is required. || 4022-State is required for country US. || 4023-PostalCode is required for country US. || 4024-City is required for country US. ||
    1. This message indicated the "Bill To" account details in the provider portal have not been added. Complete these fields on the account in the provider portal.
    2. Then update the license change log back to awaiting provisioning, save, and confirm the LCL is provisioned. 
  15. Error in response from Partner Center. WebException Status : ProtocolError. HttpStatusCode : BadRequest. Error Code: 800085. Error Description : Current order's billing cycle is not matched with the existing order's billing cycle. Error Message : 
    1. This error message indicates the Provisioning frequency of the addon subscription does not match the provisioning frequency of the parent subscription. For example, Microsoft 365 E5 has a monthly provisioning frequency, and the addon subscription when originally created has an annual provisioning frequency. Note the provisioning frequency can be found on the subscription form under Provider details. Note the provisioning frequency on a subscription does not have any impact on the invoicing process in Work 365. The provisioning frequency determines the rate at which the subscription is provisioned by the provider. 
      1. To address: When subscriptions are created and saved the provisioning frequency field becomes locked. Thus, deactivate this subscription. Update the lcl records:
        1. Provisioning Status = Not Applicable
        2. Header > Status Reason = Archived so this subscription won't be invoiced.
      2. Then provision a new subscription with this product, ensure the provisioning frequency field of this subscription matches the same provisioning frequency listed on the parent subscription.
        1. Ensure the LCL is provisioned. 
  16. Error deactivating the subscription.: This subscription is not found: In order to troubleshoot this, check to see if the subscription ID matches any subscription in Partner Center. If not, then update the provisioning status to Not applicable. This change log should also likely not be invoiced so it is recommended to update to an archived status as well.
  17. Error deactivating the subscription.: Cannot update a subscription with deleted status. Create a new subscription for this product and confirm it provisions. If successful, deactivate the prior subscription and archive the LCL records