
When installing Work 365, users should install the application while logged into CRM as the Work 365 Service account. This is so that the Work 365 workflows which are created will be assigned to an account that should never expire, nor a Dynamics license removed.

If Work 365 was not initially installed using the Work 365 service account, take the following steps to update the owner of the workflows. Not following this step could cause potential issues in the future if the owner of the workflows were to leave the company.

Below are the list of ACTIVE Workflows available in Work 365.

Login to CRM with the Service/Admin account to which you plan to re-assign the workflows.

Browse to Settings -> Processes
Select all the “Activated” Processes from the grid, and click the ‘Assign’ button  (refer screenshot below)

In the pop window that opens up, ensure ‘Me’ is selected in the Assign Field

Click the ‘Assign’ button to re-assign.

Then check to see if any current Work 365 jobs have not run previously due to this issue.

Create an Advanced find filter with the following view:

  • Look for Work 365 Jobs and add Owner as a column.
  • Save the view.

Go to Work 365 > Administration > Work 365 Jobs.

Select the saved view

Check to see if there are any Work 365 jobs in a Waiting Status Reason.

If there are jobs listed in a waiting state, this may be because the previous workflow owner may still be assigned to the job. To address, confirm if the user in CRM is active or inactive (System Settings > Security > Users).
  • If the user is Active, assign the Work 365 Service security role to this user. If the user is not active, skip this step.

Then go back to the Work 365 job view, select all the records with a Waiting Status Reason > Edit
  • Set the Scheduled For date to a day in the past.
This will trigger the Jobs to run the workflow again. When the workflow is successfully completed, the jobs previously in a Waiting state will become completed jobs.

Check if the Work 365 Plugins are in the 'Enabled' state.